Thursday, September 07, 2006

Here I go...

The car's packed to the gills, my checklists are checked, and I'm as ready as I'm ever gonna be to do I guess it's time to head north. I can't believe the sheer quantity of race gear I'm taking--most races, I can cram everything I need (except my bike, of course) into my transition, however, I have a jam-packed transition backpack, another transition bag filled only with race clothes options, my bike tools, a bag of water bottles, gel flasks, etc., another bag with Perpetuem, Hammer Gel, bagels, and bananas, a duffel bag with my non-race attire, a cooler with Gatorade, Diet Coke, water, and, of course, post-race chocolate milk, my laptop bag, and another set of wheels plus my bike. I took pictures--when I get back and have time, I'll post them so you all can see how much crap I've acquired in the past year. EDIT: Pictures have been posted--top two are of my very packed car loaded and ready to go, and the bottom picture is just the race clothing options I packed...keep in mind that spandex, jerseys, etc. typically don't take up too much room, so this is a ton of stuff.

The worst part about packing is the great unknown of the weather. At least it doesn't look like it's going to be hot, but it could be windy, rainy, and cold--which makes packing a real treat. I have multiple options for both the bike and run, and will likely pack more options in my run specail needs bag...who knows at this point. Regardless, though, I think I'm prepared for darn near anything except possibly a blizzard, and that's only because I'm not packing my earband.

I took the day off of work today to pack, and I'm very glad I did. It's been fairly relaxing--I spent some time cleaning Tack, swapping out wheels and brake pads, cleaning the chain, etc.--then caught myself as I was giving Tack a little (verbal) pep talk for Sunday. Thank God the garage door was closed--not sure what the neighbors would've thought of the crazy lady in her pajamas talking to her bike...

Well, I need to shower and hit the road--not much else to do at this point other than get there and do this thing. It's been one hell of a ride so far, and I find myself torn between nervousness and excitement, but lately it's been more excitement--which is where I found myself before the Disney marathon, too, and is a good sign, I think. Vardo and I are meeting up tonight--we're crashing at the home of a friend of mine from my hometown, then headed into Madison tomorrow morning to swim the course (well, one lap) and begin the insanity.

Here goes nothing (well, actually, darn near everything)...this will be the last live post before the race, but I've got my laptop so both Vardo and I can capture our thoughts to post later. Take care, all--thanks doesn't cut it to express my gratitude for the support, happy thoughts, laughter, etc., but it's a all rock...

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger jvardo said...

Okay, I got mine done. It's been over a month now and I'm tired of checking back every couple days to see if you've got 'er dun yet! When you gonna post yer race report. Better do it soon or I'll post about the trout incident!!

1:51 PM  

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