Thursday, September 22, 2005

It's official...

After almost two weeks of checking the participant list diligently each day (or maybe 5-6 times/day), my name finally popped up...guess it took a while for the in-person registrants to process. I was driving home tonight and talking with Vardo--she was online at the time and informed me I was official--glad I didn't drive off the road with joy. Of course, when I actually checked it out myself, the emotion was more of panic than joy...but I'm still way fired up for this adventure!!

On a slightly unrelated note, I found out today that two of my friends are sending a letter to Oprah with my weight-loss story--the letter they wrote had me tearing up at work (and I darn near never cry). One of the two, Jenny, actually flew in from NJ to race the Danskin tri with me this year, and the other, Steph, drove over to join us and cheer us on. Steph emailed both of us after I called her to thank her for the awesome gesture of the letter and to let her know that I signed up for IM...her comment was something like "Jenny, on September 10, we're going to be driving around somewhere in Wisconsin again looking for Roehr." I believe them...

I don't know where I'd be without my friends...I'm just so very very thankful I have them in my life. Tomorrow I'm going to email the group of college friends of which both Vardo and I are a part and let them know that we are both doing this IM thing...should send off an interesting flurry of emails questioning our sanity (and I honestly don't know who's sanity they'll question more between the two of us), but, as with so much else in life, I say bring it on...

Pretty easy training week so far--5 miles yesterday, 3 today, and 5 more tomorrow at pace...


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