Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Week 12 Wrap-Up

The highlight of week 12 was most definitely the Dutchman Tri and being able to hang out with Vardo—the rest of the week was pretty basic save for some pretty brutal work stuff that ended up becoming a pretty big emotional drain. Thanks to awesome friends like Theresa, Sue, and Michele, though, I got my head back on straight and kept my training hiccups to a minimum. It’s pretty awful, though, to be a non-emotional person and then have two almost-breakdowns—one in the comfort of my home and one very randomly in the fitness center…but I managed through them with my friends’ help.

I opted to bail on my long bike for the week—more out of a desire to spend some focused time with my parents than anything else, plus I figured I’d get in some good training over the 4th of July holiday weekend. I did, however, work in a 16-mile run on Sunday—basically did 2 8-mile loops around my parents’ house so I could have a built-in water break. It was still a fairly brutal run—pretty humid and it was also the longest distance I’d run by myself (all of my longer marathon runs were done with Michele) – so it was a good mental training day, too. The long run made the drive back to Chicagoland fairly rough—had to stop a couple of times to stretch my legs, but I made it back.

Here’s the roll-up for the week…

Swim: 2:38:49 / 6800 meters
Bike: 3:48:36 / 68.82 miles
Run: 5:16:46 / 33.70 miles
Total: 11:44:11 / 106.77 miles


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