Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Musings on Fall...

Fall is, without question, my very favorite season. College football is in full swing, leaves turn brilliant colors, the harvest begins and ends, and the delightfully unique smell of burning leaves cuts through the crisp cool air. This morning, it actually finally felt like fall--mid-50's and sunny when I went for my 3-miler with my friend Jeremy--cool enough that we were both chilly in shorts when we took off, but soon warmed up along the way. The fact that the weather is finally turning to fall had me grinning from ear to ear when we got back to the fitness center at work--like I said, fall is my favorite season of all. Nothing like a brisk morning run in the brisk autumn air to brighten one's spirits and soothe one's soul...

Today at our WW meeting (incidentally, the "points free Saturday" kicked me fairly hard--up 2 lbs, but it was still worth it), we talked about the power of self-talk and how it pertains to one's environment, capabilities, and, ultimately, to one's identity (I skipped a step in there, but I can't remember the fourth thing). Somehow, we ended up on the topic of exercise and how to move from self-talk of "I can't do this" or "I don't have time" to "I can and I will do this". Tracy (our WW leader) asked me how I got started exercising...truth is, it was about this time last year that I finally got up the nerve (with the help of Linda P., another WW buddy) to sign up for and start using the fitness center at work.

I can't remember the exact day, but it must have been a Tuesday as we had been discussing activity and exercise in our WW meeting, and I made a comment that I was scared to go to the fitness center--probably more intimidated than anything else. Linda offered to go with me to sign up, so we went down right after the meeting and I signed up. By the next afternoon, I had my first encounter with an elliptical machine (which lasted all of 6 minutes before I wanted to keel over) and reacquainted myself with a treadmill (nice easy walking)...and apparently the rest is history.

The discussion today around the whole concept of identity and what helps shape and define one's identity got me trying to figure out when I went from someone who needed to have my hand held to get me to the gym to someone who gets her butt out of bed and out the door by 6 am each day to swim, bike, or run before work, then often willingly goes out again after work for another workout, only to arrive home in time to eat, go to bed, and do it all over again. I don't know when that transition happened, but it most definitely did.

It's kind of funny, though...I've done a half marathon and numerous other shorter races, I run almost every day (at least these days), and yet I still don't consider myself a runner. Likewise, I've done 4 tri's (and did pretty well in those), but in my mind, I'm not a triathlete--just someone who happens to have done a few triathlons. Not sure when I'll actually move past the "capabilities" piece and into the "identity" realm where my athletic pursuits are concerned, but I have a feeling I'm getting closer every day. Don't think I'll have any issues accepting the Ironman identity when I cross the finish line, though...and maybe then I'll finally consider myself a triathlete.

Random musings as always...

Easy 3-miler today, plus core class and weights...6-miler on tap for tomorrow--it's supposed to be crisp and cool again tomorrow morning...I LOVE FALL!!!


Blogger jvardo said...

"Nothing like a brisk morning run in the brisk autumn air to brighten one's spirits and soothe one's soul..."
Even one year ago, if someone told me that THOSE words would EVER come out of your mouth, I would have had them committed! But, alas, I agree whole-heartedly!

2:15 PM  

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