Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Slightly Disgusting Observation…

After my 2:30 bike ride today, I had to change into running clothes to pick up my 40-minute run. As I peeled off my cycling clothes, in particular my jersey, it became painfully evident that I sweat a lot—so much so that I literally get drippy when I’m working out. I hung my clothes up in my bathroom to let them dry a bit…but when I got back from my run and went to take a shower, I found myself walking through a not-so-little puddle that had formed underneath my cycling clothes. Pretty gross to think that I sweat so much that my clothes were dripping a LOT…but it definitely reinforces my need to watch my hydration and electrolyte replenishment as I head into longer workouts. Perhaps more than you all wanted to know about me, but I thought it was blog-worthy…

Also, I finally watched “Super Size Me” tonight—I’d heard about it from a number of people but had yet to take the time to watch it. It was astounding to see the impact of an all-fast-food diet on the guy who made the movie…and also made me very very glad that I now only resort to fast food in moments of extreme desperation, as opposed to my former life when fast food was a pretty big staple of my diet.


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