Sunday, April 02, 2006

Weeks 25 and 24 wrap-up

OK--real life, training, and sleep have officially started encroaching on my blogging time...guess I shouldn't be too surprised by that, and it was bound to happen at some point, but's a little irritating as I've discovered that I really enjoy unleashing my random musings into the crazy web world...but I digress...

Overall, training continues to go well. Last week (week 25) was a high volume week, and man could I tell it by the end...I think every single little muscle fiber in my body was wiped out by the time Sunday night rolled around. The main swim workout nearly killed me--it was a set of 10 150m sprints (85+% HR, which is brutal) after a long warm up. It's really a swell feeling to gasp for air and realize you're inhaling water...but I survived and am probably a better person for it (or at least that's what I'm telling myself). I had a random realization when I got done with my long run on Saturday--my pace for that run (12.6 miles) was about 2 seconds off my first half marathon pace, but my HR was about 20 bpm lower--which basically means my fitness level has increased dramatically over the past 6 months, which, in turn, is obviously good news.

Last Sunday, I rode my first ride with the Wheeling Wheelmen (of which I am now a member as well). Sue, Michele, Erin, and Pat joined in the fun as well--it was a gorgeous day to be outside--about 50 F and low wind, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It's a good thing I had the beautiful weather to focus on during the ride...otherwise I'd have to worry about the fact that I got absolutely smoked by a good chunk of the other riders. I also learned the distinct difference between road cyclists and triathletes--we triathletes go it alone and ride either single-file or by ourselves, but the roadies ride in a peloton-style pack. Given the fact that Tack and I are still getting used to each other, I think it's best that I stick with the least until I get more comfortable with handling Tack in a crowd. Nonetheless, the ride and the brick run after were an awesome way to end the week...

Week 24 (this past week) seemed like a step-back week in both volume and intensity...a way good thing. I had some rearranging to do with my weekend training as I was out of town from Friday night through Sunday (at the risk of facing some ridicule, I will even admit that I was at a quilting retreat with my great aunt and cousin...and I had a great time--in a way, it was refreshing to be around people for whom the whole concept of endurance sports, triathlon, etc. is about as foreign as a nine-patch square or seam allowance would be to my triathlete friends). I actually ended up taking a half-day vacation Friday afternoon to get my long run and follow-up short bike in--it was odd being on "vacation" and still running around the tech center and ending up in the fitness center, but it worked. That gave me Saturday off--seemed to make the most sense as I wanted to spend time with my great aunt, cousin, and company, and I knew that I could get my long bike in on Sunday when I got back to my place. I forgot (or maybe purposely pushed from my memory) how @$%! hilly Dubuque (the site of the retreat) is--it's a good old river town on the Mississippi, and my quads are hating me right now for getting in my 4-miler this morning before I headed back. After attempting unsuccessfully to keep my HR under 75%, I gave in and decided to turn the run into a good hill repeat endeavor...we'll see if I can walk tomorrow without regretting that decision. I made it back about 10 minutes before it started to pour--great timing on my part for once...and got my long bike in (on the trainer again...that's just brutal after being outside for the last two weekends) when I got back. Oh--I also finished a queen-sized quilt for my parents (it's off to the handquilters now) and got another quilt top pieced together...not bad for a novice quilter turned triathlete...

Here are the roll-ups for both weeks...

Week 25:
Swim: 2:58:00 / 8100 m
Bike: 5:55:15 / 96.01 miles
Run: 4:44:27 / 29.51 miles
Total: 13:37:42 / 130.58 miles

Week 24:
Swim: 2:52:00 / 7850 m
Bike: 5:31:01 / 87.04 miles
Run: 4:03:15 / 25.59 miles
Total: 12:26:16 / 117.53 miles

One last random comment...I detest the transition to daylight savings time--I know I should be asleep by now, but my body is fighting it for some awful reason...which means tomorrow monring is going to come really really early...and so begins Week 23...


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