Thursday, October 27, 2005

88 years in the making...and I slept through it!!

Well, the Sox have done it--the World Series championship is back in the Windy City after an 88-year hiatus. While it isn't necessarily the Chicago team I would've preferred to bring baseball glory back to town, it's nonetheless an exciting time to be a baseball fan. That is, unless, the baseball fan has recommitted herself to getting more sleep and, therefore, didn't make it past the 7th inning of any of the four WS games. Had my neighbor the diehard Sox fan not started launching fireworks last night, I wouldn't have even known to celebrate until this morning...

While I'm a bit disappointed in having missed all of the excitement, I do have to admit that I'm feeling much better now that I've actually had some sleep. My heart rate has been back down in the normal range during my runs this week, and my knee/IT band (and everything else) feels great. Michele, Jeremy, and Vardo have all shown me some IT band stretches over the past few days...I feel awkward as hell doing them, but they seem to be doing the trick as I've been blissfully pain free all week.

A couple of quick musings...on Tuesday, we discussed the impact of positive self-talk during our WW meeting--not sure if I just have a one-track mind these days, but I immediately thought of IM while we were talking. The mental stamina required to make it through IM still intimidates me a little...and yet at the same time, I'm confident I'll get through it. I'm glad I'm doing the Disney marathon first, though...I think that will be a great way to ease my brain into working with me (instead of against me) in the upcoming year. Another WW tidbit...Sue attempted to strangle me (just joking...or so she said)--turns out I had a 0.6 lb loss this week, even with the "processed meat and brownie day" that I had after my 14-miler on Saturday...she wasn't amused (she had a slightly opposite result and was apparently much more disciplined than I was...hence the supposed angst).

So far, the week is going well--feeling great, getting sleep, and hitting the mileage with no issue. I even did a 30-minute session on my trainer last night while watching part of the Sox game, making this week the first in a long time where I've actually done all three disciplines. Another 7-miler tomorrow--should be nice and chilly--then a rest day Saturday before the Grand Rapids Half Marathon on Sunday...

Now back to your regularly scheduled lives.........


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