Sunday, November 06, 2005

Weeks 46 and 45 Wrap Up

The past two weeks have flown by--lots of stuff going on at work, playing catch-up at home (now that I'm actually home for a relatively extended period of time), etc. I'm glad this past week was a step-back week--gave me at least a little breather in the midst of everything else going on. From a training standpoint, I've tried to get at least one cross-training session in each week--so far, so good. Turns out Halloween night is a great time to get a lane to oneself at the local pool--there were only three of us doing laps Monday night, which was fine with me. Today, I had a somewhat momentous realization...11 miles was actually easy today in light of all of the training I've done so far. Never thought I'd see the day when I thought that was a piece of cake, but it was...and I even have a cold and made it with no issues. Just another little discovery along my journey...

In general (cold notwithstanding), I'm feeling great--still flying high from my 1/2 marathon last weekend. Ray (one of the fitness center trainers) showed me a way to work my IT band using a foam roller, and it's been great all week. The stretch itself, frankly, hurts like hell, but apparently it's supposed to--when Ray showed me how to do it, he made me promise not to hit I should've figured out it wasn't for those with low thresholds of pain like me. But, if it works, who cares about the pain...

Here's the tally for the past two weeks...

Week 46:
Run: 5:51:16/37.24 miles
Bike: 0:30:00 (trainer--still haven't put a computer on my back wheel yet)
Swim: 0:40:00/1400 m
Strength: 0:25:00 (all core)

Week 45:
Run: 4:56:59/31.61 miles
Bike: 0:25:00 (stationary bike Monday morning--just loosened up my legs a bit)
Swim: 1:03:00/2550 m
Strength: 0:15:00 (core)

Goals for the upcoming week 44:

1. Kick this cold and get back to breathing normally sans DayQuil
2. Get some more time on the bike
3. Figure out which wetsuit to buy (time to go shopping at Mission Bay...)
4. Keep working on my pacing and either keep consistent pace or slightly reverse splits on the runs
5. Survive the 17-miler this weekend


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