Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Week 40 Wrap-up

Week 40 was a decent week for me--easy from a running standpoint as it was a step-back week, plus I feel like my swimming is slowly getting better (no small thanks to the clinic I took last weekend). I can tell I've changed my swim stroke--my arms and shoulders were a little stiff after my swim on Wednesday when I really tried to focus on how, when, and where my hands were entering and leaving the water.

As for running, that continues to go well--my cardio endurance seems like it's doing great if my HR monitor is any indication, and I'm feeling good. Saturday, Erin and I ended up running through the streets and sidewalks of Evanston as the Harms Woods path we had planned to run was completely snowed over (sadly, we had a communication hiccup with co-worker Julia, so it ended up just being Erin and me for the run). We ran about half of the time on the roads (asphalt) and the other half on sidewalks (concrete and snow)--my legs are definitely not used to concrete as they were stiff on both Sunday and Monday following the 12-miler Saturday. But, they're feeling better today--always good. I also started breaking in my very clean new shoes (treadmill only at this point, so they're still clean), and, at the risk of being accused of being a runner, I now have two black toenails following the 20-miler last week. It's cool in a weird and fairly disgusting way, but I feel like I have two little nasty badges of honor to show off to the world (or the very few people who actually see my feet).

Not such a great week weight-wise--I was up this week at WW. But, considering I spent Saturday night hanging out, having some beers, and playing video games with some of the tri gang and then Sunday afternoon baking Christmas cookies with Theresa and her family, I guess it was to be expected (and I'm purposely omitting the part where I over-indulged on Edy's Slow-Churned...yikes). I'm back to journaling today and hopefully will get things turned around next week.

Here's the roll-up for the week:

Run: 5:47:10 / 35.51 miles
Bike: None (still need to get back into cycling and soon)
Swim: 0:50:00 / 2300 m
Strength: 0:15:00 (all core)

Tackling 20-miler #2 (and final) this Saturday...plus dealing with yet another snowstorm...bring it on!!!


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