Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Week 41 Wrap-up

Week 41 seemed like a blur--probably because my long run was during the work week and I swam (albeit in a clinic) on the weekend. I'm still not getting in any time on the bike--I need to get that in somehow, but with the mileage I'm putting in running these days, it seems like swimming is a better cross-training option to give my legs a chance to recover a little. Nonetheless, I'm going to try to get in ~30-60 minutes of biking somewhere along the way this week. The good news is that my legs are feeling great after the 20-miler--took Saturday off completely and did a fairly easy 5-mile pace run Sunday and am feeling great on day two of week 40. The bad news is that winter is most definitely here--it's been in single digits (at least wind chill-wise) this week, and I'm really hoping it warms up at least a little bit or this weekend's 12-miler is going to be frigid!! Oh well--that's why we have hot chocolate, I guess...

Here's the summary for the week...

Run: 6:58:51 / 43.21 miles
Bike: Nothing again
Swim: 0:52:00 / 2050 m (approx.--no clue how much I swam during the clinic)
Strength: 0:15:00 (all core)

Week 40 is another step-back week for my marathon training--I'm going to take it fairly easy (still hitting my mileage, of course) and try to get some other stuff done (extra swim session and some biking, plus getting some random stuff done around my house--always a good idea). I'm also going to attempt to finalize my IM training program over the next couple of weeks--since I won't start until after Disney, I've got a little time yet, but as a notoriously awful procrastinator, I'm going to attempt to force myself to get it sorted out before the marathon...

Bring on week 40 (and hopefully some warmer weather)...


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