Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Over the Edens and through the woods...

Or, more appropriately, skip the woods because the trail through the woods has about 6" of unmatted snow on it and stick to the sidewalks...which is what Erin, Michele and I did this morning for our 8-miler. We had every intention of running our normal route through Harms Woods (part of the forest preserve system near work), but we stopped about 50 ft after we turned onto the path--decided it was a much safer bet to stick to sidewalks today.

The downsides to the sidewalk option, though, are the fact that some people are better at shovelling than others and that my legs are not used to concrete at all as I've done all of my training (with the exception of about half of Saturday's 12-miler) on either asphalt or crushed limestone. The combination of the hard surface and running through the snow/snow-ice combo on some of the sidewalks have made my legs way more tired than they normally are after an 8-miler...guess there really is something to Sue's continual advice of avoiding concrete...and I'll be back on the treadmill tomorrow morning for a 5-miler after core class.

Day 2 of journaling and of being way more diligent with my WW program has gone well--even managed to go out for Thai with my friend Catherine and stick well within my points (thanks to tom yum soup) much so that I treated myself to 5 points worth of Edy's Slow-Churned (if you haven't picked up on it yet, I love the stuff) and haven't had to tap into my flex points yet. I am slightly amazed that I've more or less maintained my weight lately without really paying too much attention to the WW program...guess a lot of the program is just habit by now. Yesterday and today have been a wake-up call, though, as to what I've let slide (measuring and tracking).

Gearing up for the second 20-miler Saturday...then let the taper begin!!


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