Friday, April 07, 2006

Thoughts to live by...

Over the course of the past week, I've come across a couple of passages (one from a magazine column and one from a Broadway musical) that I think state things pretty well...thought I'd pass them along for your perusal and contemplation. The first is from John Bingham's (aka the Penguin) column in Runner's World--pretty much sums up the therapy that running can follows:

"Our running shoes are really erasers. Every step erases a memory of a past failure. Every mile brings us closer to a clean slate. Each footstrike rubs away a word, a look, or an event, which led us to believe that success was beyond our grasp."

The second is actually made of lyrics from the musical Wicked and the song "Defying Gravity" (which, though I haven't yet seen it, I understand is the closing song of the first act)--not so much typical of running, but certainly could be used to describe my life in recent years...

"Something has changed within me/Something is not the same/I'm through with playing by the rules/Of someone else's game/Too late for second-guessing/Too late to go back to sleep/It's time to trust my instincts/Close my eyes and leap/It's time to try/Defying gravity/I think I'll try/Defying gravity/And you can't pull me down.../I'm through accepting limits/'Cuz someone says they're so/Some things I cannot change/But till I try, I'll never know..."

Good stuff, to be sure...

Happy Friday, y'all...


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