Wednesday, January 11, 2006

26.2--A picture's worth a thousand words...

Some photos from the Disney marathon...

1. Jeremy, Michele and Sue looking lovely in Tyvek at the pre-race gathering area. Notice the lovely hoods Sue and Michele are sporting--nothing like having your own resident HAZMAT team ready to go.

2. Me with Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl in the Magic Kingdom at approx. mile 10 (photo courtesy of Michele).

3. Michele and I at mile 13 and going strong (photo courtesy of Kristie and/or my dad--can't remember who got this one).

4. Michele and I at the finish (post initial tears on my part but prior to getting our medals) (photo again courtesy of Kristie or my dad through the fence).

5. The whole Kraft gang (except for Nicole) -- me, Jeremy (the "I ran a 3:43 with a broken pinky toe" guy), Sue (Goofy #1), Michele (Goofy #2), Amy and Nate (1/2 marathoners who cheered us on at mile 18 and the finish).


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