Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Week 37 Wrap-up (Reality Hits)

I'm amazed at how quickly time is flying by...seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago that I actually signed up for this crazy marathon thing, and now it's less than a week away. Not to mention the fact that Sue reminded us today that there are only 251 days until IM WI...and a mere week and a half until we start IM training.

Much like Vardo felt when she put her training program on paper, I nearly had a heart attack this weekend when Sue (who has graciously done the lion's share of planning for the five of us) showed me the training program...this summer in particular is going to be intense. Our program is largely based on that found at trifuel.com, and, while I had spent a fair amount of time reviewing the program, I guess I never really added up the weekly totals. There are several weeks that border on 20-hour training weeks--those will definitely push my work/life balance issues to get resolved in a hurry. But, it seems solid and well-designed, and with the embellishments Sue baked in (race schedules, mid-week rides with a local cycling club, etc.), I think we'll all be in great shape to give IM WI our best shot. Nonetheless, I'm realizing that this coming year will most definitely be one in which IM training has my singular focus--a few adjustments here and there to accommodate family events and hopefully a little time with friends, but by and large, it's going to be a year filled with swimming, biking, running, working, eating, and sleeping (which I also need to bump up).

But, that's a week and a half away...I've got a marathon to get through first--I'm still fired up for it and even said as much in our WW meeting today...got a little "bravo" star for it, too. I've started laying out clothes to pack--so far I just have my running stuff ready to go, and, as my standard packing practice goes, I have lots of options. It's supposed to be cool Sunday--low of ~45 and high of ~65 F--but I'm hoping I can get by with shorts in lieu of tights...being the anal engineering-type that I am, though, I'm packing for all weather occasions, at least on the run. It's a super easy week training-wise--very much tapering into the race with a whopping 9 miles run between today and Saturday, then obviously race day on Sunday.

Here's the summary from Week 37...

Run: 3:41:36 / 24.21 miles
Bike: 0
Swim: 0
Strength: 0:20:00 (core)

Goal for Week 36: Cross the finish line at Disney with a smile on my face...in whatever time it takes (it's a PR regardless, after all). I definitely have a goal in mind, but all in all, I'm gunning for a finish--I figure I've got a lot of years to break my PR if I want to. Wish me luck...and BRING IT ON!!!!


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