Sunday, April 16, 2006

Week 22 Wrap-up

This week, frankly, kicked my butt. It was a higher intensity week, which I made even more challenging by not getting nearly enough sleep. Also, my parents came into town for Easter, so I opted to take another half day vacation Friday afternoon and do my long run so I could have Sunday off to spend with them (and eating ham and cheesy potatoes)...which meant my normal Friday recovery day didn't happen before I did my long ride Saturday. But--I survived...and I'll hopefully do better on the sleep front this week.

My swim times continue to improve, although the rate of improvement has dropped a bit. But, I managed to shave about 2 more seconds off my 100m pace (while adding in 3 more 100m repeats from previous time trials)--at this point, I'll take whatever I can get. The bike continues to be progressive as well--I was pretty happy with the ride yesterday and the fact that, while I had to drop into granny gear for one hill, I stayed in the saddle (and, for the most part, the big ring) on all of the climbs. My handling on Tack is getting better, too, although I still hate right-hand turns (always have--don't know why) and I find myself riding my brake hoods through those instead of staying aero...I'll figure it out eventually. My running is also coming along nicely, although I used Thursday's run as an all-out chase-my-demons sort of run--I had a crappy day at work and took it out on the run, which worked OK as it was supposed to be a higher intensity run anyway. It made Friday's long run a little rough, did the very humid and warmer than normal weather...but I got it done.

Theresa reminded me that Monday marked the 5-months-to-go mark for IM WI 2006...funny how time flies when you're too busy swimming, biking, running, working, sleeping, and eating to pause and think about it too much...but bring it on!!!

Here's the roll-up for the week...

Swim: 3:00:00 / 8100 m
Bike: 5:43:06 / 92.61 miles
Run: 3:42:16 / 23.32 miles
Total: 12:25:22 / 121.00 miles


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