Saturday, May 13, 2006

Week 20 Wrap-up

Week 20 began the work chaos that wreaked havoc with my training for a couple of weeks. I really shouldn't complain too much as Erin has gone through way more than I have in the past few weeks (Jeremy, too, as he got sucked into helping with start-up), but it has been a good wake-up call that life (and training) don't always go according to plan.

The first two days of the week ended up being off days due to plant trials and some very very long days. The remaining days of the work week were better, although I kept having to cut my evening workouts short in order to get out of the fitness center before they closed...but I figured some workout is better than no workout. As I needed to go to one of our plants on Saturday and wouldn't be back until Monday, I did my long run Friday afternoon--normally not a big deal, but running essentially a half marathon on little to no sleep wasn't exactly a fun time. Michele and I ran together for the first 7.5 miles, then I finished up the other 5.5 miles inside on the treadmill. My long ride on Saturday ended up being on my trainer--the weather didn't cooperate and I was on a fairly tight time schedule anyway so I could get on the road. 2:20 is a REALLY long time to ride a trainer...especially when I've been spoiled lately by riding outside as much as I have. But, I got it done...and then went and worked the night shift Saturday and Sunday, which flipped my sleep schedule upside down.

Here's the roll-up for the week...

Swim: 2:00:00 / 5700 m
Bike: 3:50:57 / 61.11 miles
Run: 2:34:20 / 17.11 miles
Total: 8:25:17 / 81.78 miles


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